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China’s industrial apps exceeded 590,000

As of the end of March, the total number of industrial equipment connected to the industrial Internet platform reached 73 million units, and the number of industrial apps exceeded 590,000. The integration of informatization and industrialization has been intensified, and enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, have accelerated their pace of intelligentization.

  In the digital age, everything is connected. The application of information technology in the industrial field will not only improve the efficiency of production and management, but will also create new models and stimulate new momentum. “At present, the numerical control rate of key processes and the penetration rate of digital R&D design tools are 52.1% and 73%, respectively.” said Huang Libin, spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The lowering of digital thresholds and the synergy of the industrial chain are rapidly expanding new applications in various industries. It also makes it easier for enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to obtain intelligent assistance.

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